Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Meet Akia

Akia is a traditional Siemese cat.
  We had a family tragedy before the Christmas of 1997, so my mother decided a companion would do me some good. My aunt always had Siamese cats and I loved them. So, I decided I was going to find a Siamese cat. My mom broke the news that if I were going to get a cat, it would be from the humane society. I agreed but had no idea finding purebred cats was any different than your regular short hairs, especially finding one in a shelter. 

 As fate would have it, we walked into our local shelter and there was a 6 month old, Siamese kitten who was brought in the day before. I knew it was meant to be. I vaguely remember her curled up in a little ball with her big blue eyes watching my mother and I. She was watching me look around at the other cats hissing and caterwauling. She just stared me, scared for her life. 

 She was an extremely timid cat. It took her a very long time to come out of her shell. She was always hiding and waiting until night time to come out of her hiding spot. Then she'd sniff me out while I slept( I woke up once, to her standing on my stomach checking me out). Eventually she figured out we're okay people.

 When she was younger, she had an obsession for rolled up socks, underwear and wool. She would dig through the laundry basket and place gifts at the front door. In hopes we would have company over! She was also a natural hunter, bringing us the occasional outside prey. There's nothing Akia likes more, then being by my side. She is the most loyal cat I've ever had.

Akia is now 16 years old and spends her days on the couch while i blog. Even though shes's considered an elderly, she's still got her moxie!